In the NOW

Seizing what’s in front of you before moving on to the next task.

What is the one thing you think about when you find yourself down and out, feeling bad, in a time of regret, or having a case of the 'I wish'-es?

The FUTURE, right? 

"Well, tomorrow..." "After I get through this." "I wish this was over."

Guess what - those moments you're going through were once the future, NOW it is the PRESENT time, and soon after, they'll be the PAST. 

What if you take a step back and look at the present, the now, the moment?

That is how to truly become something! Sure, plan and make goals to strive after, but the journey, the continuation of the present time, is what is going to get you there or nowhere.

You have to learn how to seize each moment and use the time allotted to you each day and make something of it. 

One of my favorite quotes I've picked up along this journey and endeavor of becoming my personal best is:

"A month from now, I can look back at a month of PROGRESS, or a month of REGRET. MY CHOICE." 

You can break this down into subcategories if that's what it takes - a minute, an hour, a day, week, month, or year. Any amount of time going forward you can APPLY this too, because the present moments are only passing and you cannot go back and change them.