Make time.

How to add 15 days to your year!

How many times have you used the “I don’t have time” or “I would if I had time.” Excuse to talk yourself out of doing something. Guess what…

We as humans sleep roughly 1/3 of our entire lives. Yes 33%, though sleep is very important overall… as you can tell there is time to be used, so why not cash in on some right? It’s not like you can put it in a savings account. So what if I told you I could give you an extra 2 weeks worth of vacation on the year, just time to do with as you please. It’s simple… 1 hour per day gain over the year will cumulatively give you 15 extra days of total time you’re awake! So where do I pull this time from?

You can either get up an hour earlier, or go to bed an hour later. And this calculation is simple, for every extra hour you wake up earlier, or stay up later, on every 24th day you implement this, it gives you an extra 24 hours of wake time. So it’s TIME to become Excuseless.