Stop pondering! Think, plan, execute.

Use more than just your scheduled time. That will never get you to the true place you want to be.

Time is a precious commodity that we all possess, yet it can slip away from us if we don't use it wisely. It's easy to get caught up in the habit of pondering and procrastinating, but it's important to take action and get things done once you've made a game plan. Don't let fear or self-doubt hold you back from achieving your goals. Instead, take the first step towards success and start working towards your dreams.

Remember, success is not just about having a great idea or plan, it's about executing it with determination and hard work. Don't let the fear of failure stop you from achieving your goals. Instead, embrace failure as a learning opportunity and keep pushing forward.

Thank you for reading, and please share and tag @bare_barbell_co if you found this newsletter helpful. I appreciate your support! BE EXCUSELESS